Smoke signal - COMET

Smoke signal - COMET

The Comet Smoke Signal Orange is a compact and effective distress signal designed for daylight use.

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Product Details
  • Purpose:

    • The Comet Smoke Signal Orange is intended for position marking during rescue operations.
    • It can also be used to indicate wind direction.
    • Safe for use on oil or petrol-covered water.
  • Specifications:

    • Activation: To ignite, fully extend the handle, remove the red end cap, and sharply pull the toggle away from the body.
    • Duration: Produces dense orange smoke for a minimum of 3 minutes.
    • Conformance: Complies with SOLAS 74/88 standards as amended.
  • Usage:

    • Peel off the top cap.
    • Pull the plastic tab sharply away from the body.
    • A 2-second delay allows time to throw the canister downwind into the water.
  • Storage Requirements:

    • Ideally, store it in the robust, specially designed polybottle or in a dry, easily accessed location at ambient temperature.
  • Disposal:

    • Dispose of responsibly through approved channels in accordance with local regulations.
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