 An X-band magnetron is a critical component used in radar systems, including weather radar, air traffic control radar, and marine radar.

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Product Details
  • X-Band Magnetrons:

    • These devices operate in the X-band frequency range, which typically spans from 8,870 MHz to 9,280 MHz.

    • Magnetrons are high-power microwave oscillators that convert the potential energy of an electron cloud near the cathode into RF energy within a series of cavity resonators.

    • They play a crucial role in radar systems, providing the necessary power for radar signal transmission.

    • Here are some examples of X-band magnetrons along with their specifications:

      • MG5494: Frequency range: 8870 - 8930 MHz, Power: 25 kW
      • MG5230T: Frequency range: 9140 - 9200 MHz, Power: 25 kW
      • MG5497T: Frequency range: 9210 - 9240 MHz, Power: 25 kW
      • MG5411: Frequency range: 9220 - 9280 MHz, Power: 25 kW
    • These magnetrons are used in various applications, including weather radar, marine navigation, and air traffic control systems.

  • Applications:

    • Weather Radar: X-band magnetrons are essential for weather radar systems. They enable accurate detection of precipitation, wind patterns, and severe weather phenomena.
    • Air Traffic Control Radar: These magnetrons contribute to safe air travel by providing precise information about aircraft positions and movements.
    • Marine Radar: X-band radar systems on ships and vessels rely on magnetrons for navigation, collision avoidance, and surveillance.
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