The GMDSS Portable VHF Emergency Battery is a critical component for ensuring reliable communication during emergencies at sea.

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Product Details
  • Purpose and Importance:

    • The GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System) mandates that vessels carry emergency communication equipment, including portable VHF radios.
    • These radios are essential for distress signaling, coordination with rescue vessels, and communication between survival craft (lifeboats, liferafts) and rescue teams.
    • The emergency battery ensures that the portable VHF radio remains operational when needed most.
  • Specifications and Compliance:

    • The battery must comply with specific standards set by IMO (International Maritime Organization), FCC (Federal Communications Commission), and SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) regulations.
    • It typically has a 5-year storage life to ensure reliability over an extended period.
  • Features of a GMDSS Portable VHF Emergency Battery:

    • Lithium Composition: Lithium batteries are commonly used due to their high energy density and long shelf life.
    • Capacity: The battery provides sufficient power to operate the VHF radio during emergencies.
    • Compatibility: Designed to work seamlessly with specific GMDSS-approved handheld VHF radios.
    • Quick Activation: Ensures rapid response when the radio is switched on during distress situations.
  • Replacement and Maintenance:

    • Regular checks and replacements are crucial to maintain battery effectiveness.
    • Vessels should carry spare batteries to replace depleted ones promptly.
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