Gas Detector ( Glass) Tube

Gas Detector ( Glass) Tube

Gas detector tubes, also known as colorimetric gas detection tubes, are sealed glass tubes filled with a sensing chemical. These tubes serve as a straightforward and effective method for detecting specific gases and vapors.

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Product Details
  1. Principle of Operation:

    • Each gas detector tube contains a chemical reagent that reacts with a specific target gas.
    • When air from inside or outside the monitored area is drawn through the tube using an appropriate gas sampling pump, the sensing chemical inside undergoes a color change.
    • The resulting color stain on the glass tube provides a clear indication of the gas concentration.
  2. Features and Benefits:

    • High Precision: Gas detector tubes offer direct reading capabilities for over 350 different gases and vapor substances.
    • Reliable and High-Quality: These tubes are considered best-in-class due to their reliability and accuracy.
    • Ease of Use: They are user-friendly and have a low cost per sample.
    • Visual Indication: The length of the stain on the glass tube directly correlates with the gas concentration level.
    • Approximately 90% of the tubes require only 1 or 2 strokes to achieve maximum color development.
  3. Applications:

    • Gas detector tubes find applications in various fields, including:
      • Industrial Safety: Monitoring hazardous gases in confined spaces, factories, and chemical plants.
      • Environmental Monitoring: Detecting pollutants in soil, water, and air.
      • Fumigation Monitoring: Ensuring safety during pest control processes.
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