The Ocean Signal EPIRB3 Pro is a remarkable 406 MHz global rescue beacon that combines advanced features with a compact, modern design. 

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Product Details
  • 406 MHz Transmission: When activated, this EPIRB transmits a digital mayday signal on the 406 MHz frequency, notifying rescuers globally via satellite.
  • AIS Technology: The EPIRB3 Pro also broadcasts Automatic Identification System (AIS) VHF signals locally. This helps local rescuers quickly locate the beacon.
  • Return Link Service (RLS): Provides visual confirmation to the user that their distress message has been received.
  • Near Field Communication (NFC): Users can monitor the EPIRB3 Pro using a smartphone app to check battery status and functionality before heading out.
  • GNSS Positioning Networks: The EPIRB3 Pro uses GPS, Galileo, and Glonass to derive its location globally, accurate to within 100 meters.
  • Visible and Infrared Strobe Lights: These lights help rescuers pinpoint the beacon location, even if it has drifted, regardless of the time of day or night.
  • Whether you’re cruising the Mediterranean, embarking on a passage, fishing, working, or sailing offshore, the EPIRB3 Pro is suitable for a variety of mariners.
  • Its slim design and advanced features make it a valuable safety companion on the water.
  • The combination of AIS, a 121.5 MHz homing signal, and the strobe lights speeds up recovery times.
  • Rescuers can locate the beacon even if it has drifted, ensuring swift response during emergencies.
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